The Arriaga Theatre hosts an incredibly special performance by Urko interpreting his songs and other popular themes, with the special collaboration of the Bilboko Udal Musika Banda – Bilbao Municipal Band, under the direction of José R. Pascual-Vilaplana. Also participating will be the pianist and musical director Javier Perez de Azpeitia, piano teacher at Musikene, and the double bass player Lerman Nieve.
Urko belongs to the second generation of Basque singer-songwriters, the one immediately following Ez dok amairu. He is one of the Basque singers with the most records in the market and among his achievements are two of the first gold records awarded to a musical work developed entirely in Basque. His creative background as a musician is marked by great successes, authentic anthems that have accompanied whole generations of Basque speakers throughout his career of 40-plus years; unforgettable songs such as Maite Maitia; Guk euskaraz, zuk zergatik ez; Zazpirak bat; Azken txanpa… and many others that the audience attending this exciting concert at the Arriaga Theatre will undoubtedly be singing along to.
The team
Double bass: Lerman Nieves
Pianist and musical director: Javier Perez de Azpeitia
Bilboko Udal Musika Banda – Bilbao Municipal Band
Director: José Rafael Pascual-Vilaplana
Día 26 - 19:30h.
13€-27€ /with discounts
Friends of Arriaga:20% DISCOUNT.
Groups, young people, over-65s, unemployed, large families and people with 33%+ disability:
People with disabilities who use wheelchairs: