
Romancero gitano

The words of Federico García Lorca bring Nuria Espert and Lluis Pasqual together once again

09 to 10 november 2019

Summer 2018: Nuria Espert was resting after the punishing tour of the play “Incendios”, by Wajdi Mouawad (which also came to the Arriaga), when she received a call telling her she had been awarded the “Europe Special Theatre Award” for her extraordinary career as a stage actress and director, and for her defence of freedoms.

She wanted to give a short recital at the awards ceremony to be held in November 2018 in Saint Petersburg; and so the idea of “Romancero Gitano” was born. It was going to be a 20-minute sample of poetry, but it ended up being an hour-long recital in which she returns, along with Lluis Pasqual, to the words of Federico García Lorca, the poet and playwright who has occupied a prominent place in both their careers.

The team

Intérprete: Nuria Espert

Textos: Federico García Lorca y Lluís Pasqual

Dirección: Lluís Pasqual

Diseño de iluminación: Pascal Merat

Diseño de sonido: Roc Mateu

Producción ejecutiva: Alicia Moreno

Ayudante de dirección: Marco Berriel

Asistente de dirección: Catalina Pretelt

Producción: Julio Álvarez e Interludio S.L.


9: 7:30 pm

10: 7:00 pm


From €9,50 to €25 /discounts

Friends of the Arriaga: 25% discount.
Groups, young people, over 65s, job seekers, large families, and people with a disability of more than 33%: 20% discount.
Theatre professionals: 20% discount.
Last minute discount (for the above groups, except Friends of the Arriaga): 50% discount.
Last minute discount for Young Friends of the Arriaga: 70% discount.
Wheelchair users: 50% discount (seated in the proscenium box with a companion)


60 minutes