The tenor Beñat Egiarte and the pianist Josep Buforn propose a journey through Basque culture with three composers. The first part of the program focuses on the most internationally renowned Basque composer: Maurice Ravel. The genius from Ziburu spent his life in Paris but never ceased to return to his homeland. From his sublime work, they have selected his masterpiece “Shéhérazade,” written for Mezzo-soprano or Tenor, but which is rarely heard in a male voice. The part is completed with Jeux d’eau: a piano piece of undeniable beauty, and finally with his collection of folk songs, which besides being beautiful, have the peculiarity of having texts in minority languages such as Galician, Occitan, Neapolitan, and Yiddish.

The second part begins with a work by the celebrated French composer Joseph Canteloube. Internationally known for his “Chants d’Auvergne,” he left a lesser-known cycle: “Chants des Pays Basques,” where, starting from Basque folk songs, he creates a cycle of great spectacularity for piano and voice, being one of the few non-Basque composers, if not the only one, who wrote in Basque. To conclude, they will perform the 7 Lieder in Basque by Pablo Sorozabal. The composer from San Sebastián translated poems by Heinrich Heine and set them to music, creating a unique work, in the style of German Lieder cycles.


I Maurice Ravel (Ziburu 1875-1937 Paris)
– Asie
– La Flûte enchantée
– L’indifférent

Jeux d’eau Chant Populaire
– Chanson Espagnole
– Chanson Française
– Chanson Italienne
– Chanson Hebraïque

II Joseph Canteloube (Annonay 1879-1957 Grigny)
Chants des Pays Basques
– Chorietan Buruzagi (Le premier de tous les oiseaux)
– Nik badut maiteño bat (J’ai une douce amie)
– Chori Erresiñoula (Allons, beau rossignol)
– Lurraren Pian (Dans le tombeau)
– Egun baten (Comment donc savoir)

III Pablo Sorozabal (Donostia 1897-1988 Madril)
Siete Lieder
– Amesetan
– Otz eta itxiltsu
– Zure mosuan
– Lotoren Lorak
– Ez dot siñesten
– Eres dagie txilibituak
– Agertu jatan orrilla

The team

Tenor: Beñat Egiarte.
Piano: Josep Buforn.


15/10/2024 7:30 PM


16€ /discounts

Friends of Arriaga:

Groups, youth, seniors over 65, unemployed, large families, and individuals with disabilities over 33%:

People with disabilities in wheelchairs:
50% DISCOUNT (and one companion).


90 min.