

Singing better than before, a more serene voice, full of truth... a great artist, with personality, who draws you in.

From 30 april to 01 may 2023

A prolific artist, her music is about self-improvement. A non-believer in labels – hence her versatility: each style, each musical genre has its own moment, its own emotion, its own sensations. A leading soloist whose significance has transcended the cultural sphere.

Luz Casal is an artificer in her own right. Since the beginning of her career, she has displayed a continuous metamorphosis, always remaining true to herself. Her songs are carefully crafted, sculpted, polished, rewritten and set to music before being imbued with the last breath and set free for everyone to listen to, in their own manner. Her work maintains a unity and coherence stimulated by its rock essence and the singer’s personal circumstance over time and with all around her.

From the nineties until today, her wide repertoire filled with hits has made Luz internationally recognised as one of the most important and representative female voices of Spanish music and culture. Next March she will present her new tour and new album, and here, in the Arriaga Theatre, we will surely experience one of the special nights of that tour.

The team

Vocals: Luz Casal.
Drums. Tino Di Geraldo.
Piano: Josep María Baldoma “Baldo”.
Guitar: Jorge F. Ojea.
Bass: Peter Oteo.


Day 1 - 19:30h.


De 30 a 68€