This project represents the meeting between Kukai Dantza and Marcos Morau/The Veronal. It is the coming together of two choreographic universes and two perspectives of dancing which range between the most popular root and the most avant-garde expression, presenting a new stage universe nationwide.
“Oskara” is an installation project which covers certain passages of Basque culture, myths, from their origin to the modern day, and traces a plastic and emotional path of symbols and iconography with a vague and baffling force which, in the most absolute way, contains the story of the human experience.
The dramatic code points towards a show that is articulated through a language of accentuated, almost violent abstraction, where only the order of the compositions can contribute a certain sensory logic.
The team
Project direction: Jon Maya
Choreography: Marcos Morau – The Veronal
Dramaturgy: Pablo Gisbert – the Count of Torrefiel
Production: Kukai Dantza
Dancers: Kukai Dantza
from €6,50 to €21 / Whit discounts