Dance -Open stage space

Kukai Dantza: Gauekoak

Gaua erori eta argi guztiak itzaltzen direnean, esnatu egiten dira arima batzuk

02 to 03 december 2019


Kukai Dantza returns to the Arriaga Theatre with the “Gauekoak” project, which emerged from a personal and intimate reflection of their alma mater, the dancer and choreographer, Jon Maya Sein, who has brought together people who are very special and dear to him in this project.  Furthermore, unlike in his recent works, Maya is on stage in this show as a Basque dancer.

This project is based on the cross of artistic languages and on the sum of a group of great creators (Arkaitz Miner, Mireia Gabilondo…) who attack dance, music, song, illustrations, literature… from night. When night falls and the lights are switched off, some souls awaken.

The team

Ideia originala eta proiektuaren zuzendaritza: Jon Maya Sein

Eszena-zuzendaritza: Mireia Gabilondo

Dantzaria: Jon Maya Sein

Musikariak (zuzenean):  Arkaitz Miner, Xabi Bandini ...

Koreografia: Jon Maya, Cesc Gelabert, Sharon Fridman, Israel Galván

Testuak: Joseba Sarrionandia, Carmelo Iribarren

Ilustrazioak: Maite Mutuberria

Eszenografia: Fernando Bernués

Argiztatzea eta bideo-sorkuntza: David Bernués

Kudeaketa taldea: Nagore Martínez, Doltza Oar-Arteta


7:30 pm.


€21 /discounts

Friends of the Arriaga: 25% Discount
Groups, young people, over 65s, the unemployed, large families and people with disabilities in excess of 33%: 20% Discount
Dance Professionals: 20% Discount
Last minute discount (for the previous groups, except Friends of the Arriaga): 50%
Last minute discount for Young Friend of the Arriaga: 70%
Disabled persons in a wheelchair: 50% Discount (in the proscenium box and with a companion)


60 minutes