The indisputable protagonist of tango, Carlos Gardel, continues to be, even 80 years after his death, one of the principal ambassadors for Argentinian music worldwide. Gardel developed his own style, marked by his depth and feeling, thereby adding human sensitivity to tango and bringing dignity to the suburbs.

The “Mediterranean Gardel” programme proposes a musical journey through countries that meant a lot to the singer: Spain, the entrance gate to Gardel’s success in Europe, Italy for the great lyrical influence that it had on the singer, and France, supposedly the land of his roots.

José Manuel Zapata has been building a career as a tenor for the last decade, which has led him to sing the leading roles in the world’s most important theatres. This has not been an obstacle when it comes to performing one of the musical styles about which he is most passionate: tango.


The team

Concert commemorating the 80th anniversary of the death of Carlos Gardel
José Manuel Zapata: tenor
Claudio Constantini: piano and bandoneon
Juan Francisco Padilla: guitar



from €9,50 to €32 / Discounts


1 hour 20 minutes