Musical tale inspired by the traditional tale by the Grimm Brothers, which tells the story of a tailor who is considered to be brave having knocked seven down with one blow – but seven flies! It is then that the problems begin, leading to an encounter with a giant…
We are witnesses to the recreation of the tale from a tailor’s workshop in a theatre, with music, puppets, shadows, projections and a chamber orchestra.
The Brave Little Tailor
From the age of 4.
The team
Music: Tibor Harsányi
Stage Manager: Enrique Lanz
Coproduction: ABAO-OLBE, Etc, Royal Theatre and Granada International Music and Dance Festival
Family Sessions: 15 October (6pm), 16 October (12 Noon and 6pm)
School Sessions: 17 October (10.15am and 11.45am)
from €11 to 16€
SEASON TICKETUp to 15 years old: €46
Over 15 years old: €64
Up to 15 years old: €11
Over 15 years old: €16
55 minutes