
Egunsentiaren kantak

Now Berzaitz come up with a new formula for a nine-artist show.

08 march 2015

Iparralde and Hegoalde
Talk and Play
In the Song of Dawn

Iparralde and Hegoalde come together in the music of “Egunsentiaren kantak”, a group singing project led by Pier Paul Berzaitz (Zuberoa).

For quite a long time now, Berzaitz has been alternating his solo albums with other, themed, projects (pastorals, Amaiur, Sortuko dira besteak, and so on).

Now he´s come up with a new formula for a nine-artist show.

Singers and musicians. Men and women. Youngsters and seniors. New songs and oldies.





The team

Cast: Erramun Martikorena, Magali Zubillaga, Estitxu Pinatxo, Pier Paul Berzaitz, Josune Marin, Michel Longaron, Txema Garcés, Joxan Goikoetxea, Alan Griffin