“Opus” is a production filled with force, virtuosity and poetry. Ten acrobats and a string quartet celebrate the exciting music of Russian composer Dmitri Shostakovich, one of the greatest composers of the 20th Century. “Opus” ardently fuses the drama of music with extreme acrobatics, lyric movement and group choreography.

Circa are coming from Australia, bringing their new and brave vision of contemporary circus art, reflected in a piece that explores the complex relationships between the individual and the group, between the march of history and the dictates of the heart, between the tragic and the comic. Body movement, to the rhythm of the music, becomes the highest level of human expression.

The team

Director: Yaron Lifschitz

Producer: Danielle Kellie 

Technical director and lighting design: Jason Organ 

Wardrobe design: Libby McDonnell

Stage design: Yaron Lifschitz and Jason Organ 

Debussy Sound Engineering: Christophe Germanique

Quatuor Debussy Quartet:  Christophe Collette, Marc Vieillefon, Vincent Deprecq and Cédric Conchon

10 Circa artists