Sustainable theatre Sustainable theatre

At the Arriaga Theatre we are committed to reducing our environmental impact and fostering sustainability in all aspects of our operations, including our productions, and since 2023 our theatre has observed the criteria and protocols laid down in the Theatre Green Book. We believe that by working as a team we can generate productions of extraordinary artistic quality, and simultaneously reduce our environmental footprint to a bare minimum and help bring about a more sustainable future.

We work in cooperation with artists and production teams to consider and put into practice the following sustainability guidelines, among others:

Materiales Ecológicos

Environment-friendly materials

  • The use of sustainable and environmentally friendly materials will be prioritized in the design and construction of scenography.
  • The practice of reusing or finding new uses for existing materials and accessories will be prioritized before considering the purchase of any new items, so that at least 50% of the materials used on stage have a previous history of usage.

Eficiencia Energética

Energy Efficiency

  • Energy should be used efficiently, and lights should be switched off when they are not being used.
  • Efficient use should be made of heating and cooling systems and electrical equipment.
  • If possible, effective use should be made of natural ventilation and lighting.

Reducción de Residuos

Reduction of Waste

  • The separation of waste and recycling will be implemented in all areas.
  • The use of paper in communications will be reduced to the bare minimum.



  • Sharing cars, using public transport, using bicycles or walking will be prioritized to travel to the theatre for rehearsals and performances.
  • If long distances are involved, we´ll explore the virtual options and remote meetings to lower travel emissions.
  • Optimise the design of productions on tour, minimising the impact of the transport used with simple scenographies, and acquiring equipment locally whenever possible.

Educación y Divulgación

Education and Communication

  • We´ll try and share the effort to secure sustainability with the general public and the profession, encouraging them to get involved. And also share any innovative ideas and good practices that may be of benefit to future productions.

Mejora Continua

Continuous Improvement

  • Your comments and suggestions to boost our efforts in relation to sustainability are of immense value. Together we will have a positive impact on the environment and on our community